
Corey Miltimore
Managing Partner

With extensive experience in government affairs, business management, and strategy development, Miltimore has held a variety of senior private- and public-sector positions. In addition to his service on various boards, his experience includes leading firms providing government relations and contingency planning to numerous Fortune 500 companies, including Boeing, Caterpillar, Crown Holdings, Exelon, Georgia Pacific, Goodyear, Honeywell, Levi Strauss, MediaNews Group, Visa Inc., and Berkshire Hathaway companies among others.

Miltimore also served as vice president of The Walker Group, Inc., which provided consulting services to various national and state political parties and Members of the U.S. House and Senate including the former Speaker and Majority Leader. He also co-founded a successful telecommunications quality assurance provider servicing firms that continues to ensure customer service standards for some of the nation’s largest telecommunications providers.

His work in the non-profit world includes serving as former president of the free-market think tank Freedom Foundation of Minnesota, director of media studies at Center of the American Experiment, and chairman and founder of the Minnesota Academy for Conservative Leadership. He also served as executive director of the Republican Party of Minnesota, where, in addition to working with various elected officials, he was responsible for coordinating with all statewide campaigns and interfacing with the White House, national party committees, and media.

Miltimore is a graduate of Northwestern College. He also served as a Policy Fellow with the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.