Maisenbacher recently directed Barr Pharmaceutical’s State Government Affairs Program that gained national recognition for its efforts to reduce costs by ensuring the states’ ability to utilize generic drugs. She also gained the support of half of the nation’s governors to urge Congress to allow consumer access to biogenerics. During her eleven-year tenure, she directed aggressive state and national coalition building and promoted a close, proactive relationship with the top national legislative and governors organizations.
Prior to Barr, she lobbied the Illinois Legislature on behalf of ten drug companies, long-term care pharmacy, transportation, and tax clients. She served as Director of Government Affairs for the Illinois Pharmacists Association from 1994-97.
She entered state government in 1985 and was appointed as the Governor’s Legislative Liaison to the Illinois General Assembly for the Departments of Transportation, Public Aid (Medicaid) and Professional Regulation by Governors Thompson and Edgar, during which time she also worked on several campaigns.
A former, ten-year director of the Illinois Republican Women’s PAC, Maisenbacher received the Lincoln Series Excellence in Public Service Award in 1998. She holds a B.S. in Education from Illinois State University and an M.S. in Communication from the University of Illinois.